Raw juice is the centerpiece of our wellness plan. With all the diets out there (Paleo, Vegan, Mediterranean, etc.), sometimes it’s difficult to know what we should be eating. But there is one thing that most all wellness gurus can agree on; we should all eat more plants! And no better way to get those green beauties into our bellies than a Green Juice.

Juicing is one of the easiest ways to get the nutrition you need (lots of veggies, sprouts, wheatgrass, and occasional fruit), as it floods the body with vitamins, enzymes, phytonutrients, and oxygen! I always marvel at my huge pile of veggies (more than most humans could eat in a week) that gets pressed into a beautiful glass of green goodness. I feel great knowing that my kids have ingested a boatload of nutrients before they leave the house each morning! During the first three years after diagnosis, our morning juice was all green with a touch of lemon. As time went on, we slowly began to incorporate more fruit for more tasty concoctions. We still consume at least two green juices each day and we try to use a simple “3 parts veggies to 1 part fruit” formula to keep it healthy.
Consider juicing sprouts and wheatgrass. These are “living foods”, so think of them as the Babe Ruths of veggies. Wheatgrass contains the highest chlorophyll and phytonutrient content of any food and 2oz of wheatgrass has more nutritional value than 5 lbs. of organic greens. Sprouts also have many times more phytonutrients, enzymes, and antioxidants than non-sprouted varieties and are great in salads, on sandwiches, etc.
Juicing has the power to transform your health, so it’s important to have the right appliances to get the job done. I’m all about pinching pennies, so first make sure to purchase the right machine to do the job.
The truth is, you can get a pretty spiffy juicer for around $200. If you’re on a budget, consider a refurbished model. Or consider asking Santa for a nice juicer this Christmas!
When shopping for the right juicer, remember that the right juicer is the one you will use. Think about what best fits your needs. For example, I have a masticating juicer. While it’s slow and harder to clean, it is capable of juicing sprouts and wheatgrass. If we did not juice sprouts on a daily basis, I would likely buy an easier to clean centrifuge juicer.
Centrifuge Juicers
· Good for those new to juicing.
· Less expensive.
· Spinning blade creates fast juice.
· Easier to clean.
· Adds a bit of heat (which could harm nutrients).
· Generally can’t handle grasses/sprouts.
Masticating Juicer
· Good for the serious juicer.
· Slowly chews and presses out juice.
· Doesn't create heat, so it keeps more nutrients intact & juice lasts longer.
· Capable of juicing grasses and sprouts.
· Slower juicing.
· Harder to clean.
Recommended brands:
o Kuvings Whole Slow Juicer I love mine! Buy extra parts here so it’s always clean!
o Pure Juicer If you’re a Rockefeller & $$ is no object!
We get a lot of questions about juicing. The video below is a bit dated (look how cute the boys are!!). But, this video is really well-done. It tells you all you need to know about juicing in 2 minutes!!